
Dragon's Damsel (Faint Dragon!Norway x Reader #2)

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VelociraptorDragon's avatar

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"I don't see how one single person can manage to get into so much trouble less than a month after I last saw them."

Summary: Norway protects the reader from a man with murderous intentions. 
This is the sequel to Dragon's Den (Very Faint Dragon!Norway x Reader).
Author's Note: Not much to say about this one. I hope that you don't get the impression that I'm forcing your lifestyle to be a certain way when I listed off some of the activities you participated in during your free time. ^^" Oh, right, also, the reader has 2 different lights in their bedroom -- a bedside lamp and a ceiling light. I felt like I needed to clarify this so the later scenes would make more sense. 

In the days following your trip to Norway, you found it difficult to concentrate on reality. A part of your mind was still lost in the night spent at Lukas's cave. It was becoming increasingly difficult not to bring up the strange encounter with the even stranger dragon to your family and friends. Matthias and your caregivers seemed concerned, but you dismissed it, saying that you were simply reflecting on how beautiful the country was. Although Matthias didn't seem to buy it, he didn't press the issue, either, trusting you to speak up if anything was really, truly bothering you. 

How in the world could I possibly tell anyone that I managed to magically stumble upon a cave with a feathery-winged dragon inside? They wouldn't believe me!

It was about a week after the trip when (school/work) started up again, and once it did, you allowed yourself to give up on thoughts about Lukas completely. He and his strange, cold ways were pushed to the back of your mind in favor of the (homework/paperwork) that needed to be completed. Eventually, your mind came to the conclusion that it had all been an exhaustion-induced dream. After all, you had been fairly tired that night.

Only a tiny part of your brain argued that you weren't tired when you woke up to him the next day.


On the third Saturday evening since the encounter, one in which you were the only person at your home, you found that you were given the first opportunity to sit and think since (school/work) had started. Even without (school/work) to attend to, you had managed to keep yourself as busy as possible by reading books, watching movies, doing chores, and playing games. However, there were no books to be read, no movies to be watched, no chores to be done, and no games to be played.

What should I do? The question was easily asked, but not so easily answered. Deciding to check your phone, you walked upstairs to your room, making sure to turn off any lights that were on along the way. Upon reaching it, you sat down on the bed and picked up your phone. Realizing that you had received no texts, you decided to Google (subject) news articles to see if there were any new, interesting revelations to be learned. 

As you were concentrating on reading, you hardly noticed the sound of the front door being quietly opened.


Entry #508 
Year (year/num)

I can't stop thinking about (y/n). It seems as though they invade my thoughts every second of the day. I wonder if I made as much of an impression as they made on me. I feel strangely drawn to them, as though something about them is different than the other people I've met in my lifetime. 

I am really hoping to meet them again. I wonder if they're the one who can-

The sound of charcoal rolling off of a desk and clattering to the floor of the cave could be heard as Lukas froze in his writing.


The best part about reading through articles was that there were always interesting recommended articles following them. You were flipping through news article after news article silently. It had been about 20 minutes before you heard the sound of the stairs creaking. You glanced at your phone's clock.

8:03 A.M.

Both of your caregivers were at Matthias's (soccer/football) game, which ended at 9:00, and it was an hour away.

So who is climbing up the stairs, and how come I didn't hear them entering the house?

The door to your room wasn't locked, and the lights were on. Realizing how terrible this situation could be, you felt yourself beginning to panic. Adrenaline pulsed through your veins as you looked around the room for a weapon. Deciding that the lamp beside your bed could make a good bludgeon, it was unplugged and being clutched to your chest in an instant. 

Please don't have a gun!

Whoever was inside of your house had reached the top of the stairs. However, upon noticing the lights on in your room, you could hear them coming towards you, their steps much more rapid as they realized that the house they had broken into wasn't empty.

You slipped off of your bed and, with haste, headed toward the side of your bedroom door.

Deciding that the criminal was going to arrive soon, you started a countdown.


They are halfway down the hall. You began to lift your weapon, preparing to strike.


They are 3/4th's of the way down the hall. The lamp was now firmly held above your head.


The second the door was opened, you brought the lamp down on the intruder's head. They collapsed to the floor, unconscious. 

Panting, you paused for a second. That person made such an effort to stay quiet. Why did they suddenly start to rush over here once they realized I was home? The sound of a clicking noise caused you to avert your eyes from the unconscious man sprawled out in front of you and instead focus on a man, half-veiled in darkness, aiming a gun at your chest. 


The dragon was grateful that the night was clear, with few gusts of wind present. He could fly much more quickly when the drafts weren't tugging him away from his destination.

Hang on! I'm coming for you!


"Drop the lamp."

You placed the bloodied lamp on the ground beside the man's companion.

"Place your hands behind your head."

You followed his orders. The man walked toward you and his comrade. 

"I don't take injuring my companions lightly. Since you have seen us break in, we're going to have to hold you hostage. That is, if we let you live."

You weren't sure what you were expected to say to that. You weren't the type to beg for mercy, promising not to tell the police, but you weren't the type to just give in to this man's orders. Maybe if I stall him for just the right amount of time, I can manage to escape.

The man was leaning down over his companion, checking for a pulse.

"You are lucky that he is alive. If he wasn't, I would not hesitate to kill you."

The words sent shivers up your spine. These two seemed more murderous than thieving, which made you question why they broke into your home in the first place. They didn't seem to be carrying anything you or your parents owned, and if they had been looking for something, they had done an awfully good job of making absolutely no noise. 

Through your peripheral vision, you noticed the man pull out a white rag and a bottle of clear liquid. He poured some of the liquid onto the rag, and you quickly identified it as chloroform. He planned on encountering people in here!

The man stood.

"Don't move. I will shoot if you do."

He began to walk toward you. He brought the rag up to your mouth. You held your breath. Just as your lungs were going to burst from lack of air, the sound of glass shattering downstairs caused the man to jump. Temporarily forgetting your presence, he walked past you and, hesitantly, with gun in hand, stalked down the stairs. You were left standing there, panting, feeling absolutely exhausted after the adrenaline had worn off. 


The following events were a blur in your mind. You remembered creeping back into your room unsteadily, grabbing your phone, and calling the police. You remembered hearing crashes downstairs, the sound of a gunshot, and a roar that shook the whole house. You remembered the eery silence that followed, only being broken once the soft click of talons were heard as your savior climbed up the stairs to your home and a single sentence was muttered in the same monotone voice he always seemed to maintain.

"I don't see how one single person can manage to get into so much trouble less than a month after I last saw them."

Though the hallway's lights were still off, you could see Lukas's dark blue eyes glowing, and his reptilian form was softly illuminated by the lights in your room.



A slight pause.

"Thank you. It was really nice of you to come save me. But...why?"

Silence once again. It was difficult to tell what the stoic dragon was thinking.

"I am lonely."

You hadn't expected that answer, but something about it felt right. You knew that you had made the accusation before, but you hadn't been entirely serious about it. Lukas, however, must have been truly affected by it, because he looked at you expectantly, as though he wanted to see your reaction. You cogitated how to respond, but before you could, police sirens were heard, the front door was slammed open, and you found yourself being hoisted away for questioning. Lukas was nowhere to be seen.



Entry #510
Year (year/num)

It has been a few days since I last wrote in this journal about the night I saved (y/n). I updated my spell so that I can now view (y/n) whenever I wish. I am not going to be using this to invade their privacy, of course, but I do really want to find a time when they're alone. Then I'll be able to talk to them and get their response to what I said. I'm curious as to what I'll learn.

I hope (y/n) came up with a good excuse as to how the window managed to get broken and how the second intruder managed to get knocked unconscious. I don't think normal humans would accept an answer like, "A dragon broke into my home through the window and attacked him." I would watch them to see what they said, but I don't feel up to it. It would unnerve them if they brought it up the next time we met and they found out that I already knew.

Until I next feel like writing, 



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sarawiii's avatar
I can't find part one. :(